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As of August 1, 2022, bakerlaw has joined forces with Ross & McBride LLP.

Our team is excited to become part of the formidable group of human rights, employment, and constitutional lawyers at Ross & McBride. Our current and future clients will continue to receive the personalized, high-quality representation that has become synonymous with bakerlaw, and will benefit from the collaborative, cross-functional approach to complex issues that both we and Ross & McBride value. With the added resources of larger, full-service firm, this collaboration will allow us to take on new clients for the first time since October 2021. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact us at contact@rossmcbride.com

The content on this page is no longer being updated here. For news and updated content you can find it on the Ross & McBride News page.

Couples with Mobility Scooters Must Keep Fighting

  • March 28, 2017
  • Kimberly Srivastava
  • Comments Off on Couples with Mobility Scooters Must Keep Fighting

Earlier this year Bakerlaw featured a blog post about a Canadian Transportation Agency decision regarding rail accessibility. The case was about the lack of adequate tie-down spaces on VIA Rail trains which results in persons with mobility scooters needing to travel separately. » Read the rest

Along for the Ride

  • March 10, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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The TTC has announced that it will be changing its Wheel-Trans eligibility. These changes will expand the scope of services offered to include persons with sensory, mental-health or cognitive disabilities.

ARCH argued that this very expansion should have occurred in 1999, and the failure to do so was discriminatory. » Read the rest

CWDO February Newsletter is Out!

  • February 14, 2017
  • BakerLaw
  • Comments Off on CWDO February Newsletter is Out!

Check out the Citizens with Disabilities – Ontario’s newsletter (link) for some links to important studies on employment and disability as well as access to necessary prescription medication.


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