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As of August 1, 2022, bakerlaw has joined forces with Ross & McBride LLP.

Our team is excited to become part of the formidable group of human rights, employment, and constitutional lawyers at Ross & McBride. Our current and future clients will continue to receive the personalized, high-quality representation that has become synonymous with bakerlaw, and will benefit from the collaborative, cross-functional approach to complex issues that both we and Ross & McBride value. With the added resources of larger, full-service firm, this collaboration will allow us to take on new clients for the first time since October 2021. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact us at contact@rossmcbride.com

The content on this page is no longer being updated here. For news and updated content you can find it on the Ross & McBride News page.

Ontario family launches human rights complaint over access to therapy for son with autism

  • October 16, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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Bakerlaw attended the first two days of hearing at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario on October 12-13, 2017 on behalf of the Skrt family, advocating for Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) for students with autism in publicly funded schools.

The Applicant’s Opening Statement is available here (link). » Read the rest

ABA in Ontario Schools Case Continues

  • September 13, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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Bakerlaw is gearing up for a hearing on October 12th regarding our client’s case against a local school board. Our client requires ABA in order to access his education and is not receiving it. You can read more about the case here (link). » Read the rest

Remembering the History of Euthanasia in Canada

  • August 9, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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A former client recently published a piece on euthanasia in the magazine Policy Options. The article traces the history of devaluing the lives of persons with disabilities and details events in Canadian history involving euthanasia of infants with disabilities. With the legalization of medical assistance in dying, it is important to remain aware of how the lives of persons with disabilities continue to be seen as less valuable, which increases vulnerability to involuntary assistance in dying. » Read the rest

Barriers in the Digital Workplace

  • August 3, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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Bakerlaw recently posted a story about its client, a federal public servant who is fighting to remove barriers in the digital workplace. You can read more about that story here (link).

A similar story was recently published which further explains the challenges persons with disabilities face when struggling to navigate inaccessible technology. » Read the rest

Canada’s Transportation System Should be the Most Accessible in the World, says CEO of the Canadian Transportation Agency

  • June 19, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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The Canadian Transportation Agency has been undergoing a major regulatory review, called the Regulatory Modernization Initiative, with the goal of improving all of its regulations. The is an opportunity to improve regulations regarding accessibility. Today, the CEO of the Agency, Scott Streiner, gave a speech outlining his vision to make Canada’s national transportation system the most accessible in the world.  » Read the rest

CBC covers our clients’ fight for more accessible software in the federal public service

  • June 19, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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The CBC published a story about our client’s case against the federal government regarding inaccessible internal government software and websites. You can read the full CBC story here (link). Our client, a long-time federal public servant with a disability, faced barriers with widely-used software in public service. » Read the rest

French Prime Minister visits Community Home for the Disabled within Days of New Government Formation

  • May 24, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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The website handicap.fr recently published an article entitled: The Prime Minister visits persons with disabilities.

Just days after the new French government was announced, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Minister of State for Disabled People Sophie Cluzel paid a visit to a community home for the disabled, at the invitation of the Simon de Cyrène foundation. » Read the rest

VIA Rail Changes its Policies on Mobility Devices on its Trains

  • May 23, 2017
  • Kimberly Srivastava
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As a result of our clients’ successful litigation at the Canadian Transportation Agency, VIA Rail proposed revisions to its policy regarding mobility devices to now permit two devices to be tied down on its trains. Previously, VIA’s policy only permitted one mobility device at a time to be tied down on its trains. » Read the rest

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