Students and Alumni Rally Against University of Toronto Law Tuition
- December 11, 2018
- Laura Lepine
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Current and former University of Toronto law students are frustrated about rising tuition costs, which are driving students into greater debt and reducing socioeconomic diversity in the profession.
David Baker, who has advocated on behalf of alumni against rising, prohibitive tuition costs, was recently featured in an article by Anita Balakrishnan in the Law Times, entitled “Alumni, students decry U of T’s law school fees”, which can be read here (link).
The article describes a student and alumni campaign, “Barriers to Excellence”, launched to counter the University of Toronto’s “Excellence without Barriers” fundraising campaign. The Barriers to Excellence campaign includes an open letter to Dean Edward Iacobucci, imploring the University to address tuition costs: advocating that “Achievement, not debt tolerance, ought to be the sole criteria of admission”. The letter asks for transparency with respect to how many students will graduate more than $100,000 in debt; average incomes of parents of students; the breakdown of money budgeted for various clubs, clinics, and financial aid; and how the school makes money.
At bakerlaw, we believe that the profession is hurt when students are unable to access legal education due to socioeconomic background. Bakerlaw is committed to accessible justice.
David Baker is actively involved with the Barriers to Excellence campaign and has written previous critiques regarding law school tuition. You can read his comments on the tuition issue here (link).