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As of August 1, 2022, bakerlaw has joined forces with Ross & McBride LLP.

Our team is excited to become part of the formidable group of human rights, employment, and constitutional lawyers at Ross & McBride. Our current and future clients will continue to receive the personalized, high-quality representation that has become synonymous with bakerlaw, and will benefit from the collaborative, cross-functional approach to complex issues that both we and Ross & McBride value. With the added resources of larger, full-service firm, this collaboration will allow us to take on new clients for the first time since October 2021. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact us at contact@rossmcbride.com

The content on this page is no longer being updated here. For news and updated content you can find it on the Ross & McBride News page.

Ontario Superior Court Recognizes Independent Tort of Harassment in Sweeping Critique of the RCMP

  • July 24, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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On February 28, 2017, the Ontario Superior Court released a lengthy, sweeping judgment, criticizing the RCMP and its officers for a prolonged campaign of harassment against Sergeant Peter Merrifield.

Over a period of seven years, the Court found that members of the RCMP had launched unsubstantiated disciplinary investigations against Sergeant Merrifield; had transferred Sergeant Merrifield away from his field of expertise and denied him assignments; accused him of “kiting” or stealing funds from his RCMP American Express card; critiqued Sergeant Merrifield for engaging in public appearances; made disparaging comments about Sergeant Merrifield to his human intelligence sources as well as other members of the RCMP; and ultimately did what they could to ensure Sergeant Merrifield’s illustrious career was stonewalled. » Read the rest

Stewart v Elk Valley Coal Corp. Summary: SCC Reaffirms Test for Discrimination but Gives a Narrow Understanding of Addiction

  • June 27, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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On June 15, 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down its decision in the case of Stewart v Elk Valley Coal Corp., 2017 SCC 30.  The majority judgment affirmed the current framework for determining whether discrimination has occurred. However, bakerlaw is concerned that the majority decision could have a chilling effect on individuals suffering from an addiction, as the Court’s ruling hinged on a very narrow understanding of addiction, which impacted its decision on whether in this case, drug dependence was a factor in the termination of employment. » Read the rest

Federal Benefits Workers not to Play Detective

  • May 24, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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The Toronto Star has recently published an article by Jordan Press entitled: Federal benefits workers told to stay off social media when vetting applications.

The article explains how workers who determine eligibility for employment, disability, or seniors’ benefits are not permitted to use publicly available information, including social media posts, online obituaries, and municipal property information, when deciding whether someone qualifies for benefits. » Read the rest

Married Couple Able to Travel Together on VIA Rail Trains

  • April 28, 2017
  • Kimberly Srivastava
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Our clients are celebrating a major victory over VIA Rail.

Our clients, are husband and wife and are both persons with disabilities who use scooters to assist in their mobility. VIA Rail trains only have one tie-down space per train and as a result, our clients have been forced to travel separately or risk damage to their scooters by having them stowed improperly. » Read the rest

Bakerlaw prepares to challenge 2011 amendments to Out-of-Country OHIP legislation

  • April 12, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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As indicated in our blog post here (link), Ontario’s Health Insurance Act and specifically the regulations that govern Out-of-Country claims for OHIP funding were significantly restricted by legislative amendments in 2011.

Bakerlaw has been retained to challenge one of these amendments, which currently requires that all patients seeking funding for the administration of a drug, including the provision of that drug, payment must be recommended by the Executive Officer of the Ontario Drug Benefit Act. » Read the rest

Out-of-Country OHIP requests – Bakerlaw continues to help

  • April 12, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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Bakerlaw continues to help clients obtain prior approval for OHIP funding for out-of-country medical expenses. Unfortunately the Ministry of Health rarely grants Ontarians’ legitimate requests for out-of-country funding for medically necessary treatment which is unavailable in Ontario on a timely basis. » Read the rest

David Baker comments to the Canadian with Disabilities Act Review

  • March 30, 2017
  • David Baker
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Bakerlaw’s David Baker recently provided his comments to the Canadians with Disabilities Act Review process focusing on employment. His comments are below:

The Minister will accomplish nothing by tampering with human rights protections for individuals with disabilities under the Canadian Human Rights Act. » Read the rest

Further Reflections on the Court Challenges Program

  • March 21, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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The Ontario Bar Association has recently published an article by Kiran Kang entitled: Funding Charter Litigation: Lawyers reflect on the revival of a cancelled program.

The article contains comments from lawyers, including bakerlaw’s David Baker, who were able to bring important equality cases thanks to the funding from the former Court Challenges Program . » Read the rest

Court Challenges Program – A Call to Action

  • March 2, 2017
  • BakerLaw
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Further to David Baker’s comments on the reinstatement of the Court Challenges Program (see our previous blog post here (link)), read this letter (link) to the Minister in charge of the program.

The letter calls on the Minister to confirm the mandate of the program and ensure it is as strong and committed to equality as the former program was. » Read the rest

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