416-533-0040 ext 230

Health law

Bakerlaw is a strong advocate for patient rights. Whether you need reimbursement for an out of country health care service, assistance securing the health care services you require or if you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice, we can help!  

Reimbursement for Out of Country Services

One area in which we have made tremendous progress for clients is in securing reimbursement from OHIP for necessary out-of-country medical services. Sometimes the medical treatment you need is not available here in Ontario, or wait lists and other delays prevent timely access to necessary medical services and pose a serious risk to your health. To address these problems, OHIP provides an out-of-country program that, in certain circumstances, will pay the costs of your medical treatment outside Canada. Bakerlaw has significant experience in assisting clients in applying for funding for out of country medical services.  

Whether it’s an application, reconsideration request or an appeal, bakerlaw has assisted clients through all stages of the process. Bakerlaw can provide crucial support by working with physicians (who are not reimbursed by OHIP for completing these applications) to help secure the medical evidence required to support a successful application. If an application is denied, bakerlaw can assist you a reconsideration request or an appeal to the Health Services Appeal and Review Board 

Are you trying to secure funds for a service here in Ontario?  

Bakerlaw understands the unique challenges and legal issues that can arise for people who require attendant care. We effectively advocate for clients who live in Ontario’s Supported Services Living Units, and for those seeking access to Direct Funding Agreements with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, administered by organizations including the Centre for Independent Living Toronto. 

Bakerlaw has extensive experience litigating and securing settlements for clients requiring a variety of services for different needs including environmental sensitivities, specialized mental health and addiction supports, pressure sores, obsessive compulsive disorder and many others. 

Did you receive a health care service that went wrong? 

Bakerlaw has experience in medical malpractice issues. Get in touch (link) and find out how we can help you try to secure compensation for your losses. 

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