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Legal Issues

As of August 1, 2022, bakerlaw has joined forces with Ross & McBride LLP.

Our team is excited to become part of the formidable group of human rights, employment, and constitutional lawyers at Ross & McBride. Our current and future clients will continue to receive the personalized, high-quality representation that has become synonymous with bakerlaw, and will benefit from the collaborative, cross-functional approach to complex issues that both we and Ross & McBride value. With the added resources of larger, full-service firm, this collaboration will allow us to take on new clients for the first time since October 2021. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact us at contact@rossmcbride.com

The content on this page is no longer being updated here. For news and updated content you can find it on the Ross & McBride News page.

David Baker speaks at Supreme Court of Canada

  • December 23, 2010
  • David Baker
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David Baker recently gave a submission at the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, et al. v. Attorney General of Canada.

The case concerns the authority of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to award costs to complainants who are successful in advancing claims of discriminatory treatment in contravention of the Canadian Human Rights Act. » Read the rest

Jodhan wins landmark case against federal government to fix inaccessible websites

  • November 29, 2010
  • David Baker
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Toronto – November 29, 2010 – Today the Federal Court of Canada released a landmark decision concerning the right of Canadians with disabilities to access government websites.

Justice Kelen has ruled that Canada’s federal government must deliver key websites in a useable format for blind and partially-sighted Canadians. » Read the rest

Law Commission of Ontario Commissions Paper from Bakerlaw on Rights to Disability-Related Supports

  • November 23, 2010
  • David Baker
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As part of the Law Commission’s project to develop a coherent framework for the Law as it Affects Persons with Disabilities, it commissioned six research papers, including a paper from Cara Wilkie, Meryl Zisman Gary and David Baker on the Right to Disability-Related Supports. » Read the rest

Bakerlaw clients win right to fly past 60

  • November 9, 2010
  • David Baker
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The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has ordered that Air Canada must reinstate Bakerlaw clients George Vilven and Neil Kelly, pilots who have been fighting to return to work and fly beyond Air Canada’s retirement age of 60.

Click here to read coverage in the Toronto Star. » Read the rest

Editorial: Government should heed call for better web accessibility

  • September 28, 2010
  • David Baker
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The Law Times has published an editorial in support of Bakerlaw client Donna Jodhan’s Charter of Rights challenge against the Federal Government over websites that are inaccessible to blind and partially sighted web users.

“The government should drop its reluctance and heed Jodhan’s call for improved accessibility,” writes Glenn Kauth, the author of the editoral. » Read the rest

Donna Jodhan web accessbility hearings

  • September 22, 2010
  • David Baker
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Donna Jodhan’s web accessibility Charter Challenge against the Federal Government was covered by a number of major media outlets. Bakerlaw’s David Baker and Meryl Gary were in Federal Court from September 21st-23rd arguing Ms. Jodhan’s case. The court is now resting, and has said that it deliver its verdict in approximate six months’ time. » Read the rest

Blind MBA to have her day in court over inaccessible government websites

  • September 14, 2010
  • David Baker
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From September 21st to the 23rd, Bakerlaw will be representing Donna Jodhan before the Federal Court of Canada in Toronto. Ms. Jodhan, a legally blind Canadian, is challenging the federal government over websites that are inaccessible to blind and partially sighted web surfers. » Read the rest

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